According to CNET reports, Reuters reported on Tuesday that Ukrainian companies have found more and more malware in their computer systems. In response, the government believes that this malicious software is preparing for a major collaborative network attack in the future. The Ukrainian cyber police commissioner Serhiy Demedyuk told Reuters they thought that similar to last year’s encounter with the NotPetya ransomware virus would likely happen again.
Image: Bitdefender
At the time, this attack spread all over the world and affected many large companies such as the Danish shipping giant Maersk, the US pharmaceutical company Merck, and the Australian Cadbury Odd Egg Factory. The virus blocked the computer and asked the victim to pay ransom money in Bitcoin. The United States, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom attributed this attack to the Russian government. The United States also imposed sanctions on Russia.
Demedyuk pointed out that through the analysis of this malicious software and the targeting of Ukrainian targets, they found that all work was done in one day. In addition, he also stated that the digital fingerprints of the invasion will be behind the black finger to Russia.
In this regard, the Russian Embassy and the Ukrainian National Police Agency didn’t comment immediately.