vulscan: Advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE

vulscan – Vulnerability Scanning with Nmap


Vulscan is a module which enhances nmap to a vulnerability scanner. The nmap option -sV enables version detection per service which is used to determine potential flaws according to the identified product. The data is looked up in an offline version of VulDB.

vulscan – Vulnerability Scanning with Nmap


Vulscan is a module which enhances nmap to a vulnerability scanner. The nmap option -sV enables version detection per service which is used to determine potential flaws according to the identified product. The data is looked up in an offline version of VulDB.


Please install the files into the following folder of your Nmap installation:

git clone



You have to run the following minimal command to initiate a simple vulnerability scan:

nmap -sV --script=vulscan/vulscan.nse

Vulnerability Database

There are the following pre-installed databases available at the moment:

 More info, please visit here.