Whalescan is a vulnerability scanner for Windows containers, which performs several benchmark checks, as well as checking for CVEs/vulnerable packages on the container. It also checks the config and Docker files for misconfigurations. This tool can be used as part of a Windows container review on local copies of the containers, and on the host itself to enhance security.
Whalescan performs the following checks on containers:
- Container checks
- Checks if containers are stored under C: drive – this could raise issues if there is a DoS attack, filling up the C: drive and making the host unresponsive
- Checks if the container is running as a process or hyper-v. Hyper-v isolation offers enhanced security of containers
- Checks if there are any pending updates in the containers, and if so, how to update.
- Image checks
- Checks for unsafe commands being used in the dockerfile, for example, docker ADD instead of docker COPY.
- Checks if hash verification is being performed on any files downloaded.
- Checks if any vulnerable packages are on the container, and pulls relevant CVE information
- Checks if .NET version being used is End Of Life
- Checks if Docker Engine is updated, and if not, gathers a list of CVEs for the version being used
- Checks permissions of docker configuration files
- Checks if additional devices have been mapped to containers
Install & Use
git clone https://github.com/saira-h/whalescan
pip install -r requirements.txt
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