Zeebsploit-Framework is a tool for pentesting the vulnerability of the web and searching for information-gathering on web and exploitation on a web.
| Modules | Description |
| Detect_cms | a tool for detecting cms on a web |
| Port_Scanner | Scan Open Port use Nmap |
| ip_Geolocation | Scan Location Host or Ip |
| Whois | request and response protocol for web data |
| Email_Extractor | EXtract Email from web |
| Traceroute | to show the route the package has passed |
| Robot.Txt | Scan Robot.txt from Web |
| header_check | Response Header Checker |
| ---More--- | Coming Soon the following version |
| Modules | Description |
| Subdomain_Scanner | Scan Subdomain for Web |
| SQLi_Scanner | Scan Sql Injection Vulnerability |
| XSS_Scanner | Scan XSS Injection Vulnerability |
| LFI_Scanner | Local File Includes Scanner etc/passwd |
| Admin_finder | Scan Admin Login page |
| ---More--- | Coming Soon the following version |
| Modules | Description |
| Webdav_File_Upload | --None-- |
| Dvr_cam_leak_credential | TBK DVR4104 / DVR4216 - Credentials Leak (Get User and password |
| Wp_Content_Injection | WP Content Injection File upload version:4.7 and 4.7.1 |
| Wp_Revslider | WordPress Revslider Plugin Shell Auto Upload |
| Wp_showbiz | WordPress Showbiz Pro shell Auto Upload |
| Wp_Learndash | WordPress Learndash shell Auto Upload |
| Joomla_com_fabrik | Joomla Component_Fabrik Auto Shell Upload |
| Joomla_ads_manager | Joomla ads manager component auto shell upload |
| apache_struts2_rce | CVE: 2017-5638 - Apache Struts2 S2-045 |
| ---More--- | Coming Soon the following version |
git clone https://github.com/jaxBCD/Zeebsploit.git
cd Zeebsploit
chmod +x install
Copyright (C) 2019 jaxBCD
Source: https://github.com/jaxBCD/