A tool was written for cobalt-strike’s execute-assembly command that allows for more efficient querying of AD.
Key Features
List all Domain Admins
Custom LDAP Search
Connect to LDAPS Servers
Output JSON data from AD instances
Retrieve custom attributes from a generic query (i.e. All computers)
Copyright c 2020
Query Active Directory remotely or locally:
ADSearch --domain ldap.example.com --password AdminPass1 --username admin --users
-f, --full If set will show all attributes for the returned item.
-o, --output File path to output the results to.
--json (Default: false) Output results in json format.
--supress-banner When set banner will be disabled.
-G, --groups Enumerate and return all groups from AD.
-U, --users Enumerate and return all users from AD.
-C, --computers Enumerate and return all computers joined to the AD.
-S, --spns Enumerate and return all SPNS from AD.
--attributes (Default: cn) Attributes to be returned from the results in csv format.
-s, --search Perform a custom search on the AD server.
--domain-admins Attempt to retreive all Domain Admin accounts.
-u, --username Attempts to authenticate to AD with the given username.
-p, --password Attempts to authenticate to AD with the given password.
-h, --hostname If set will attempt a remote bind to the hostname. This option requires the domain option to be set to a valid DC on the hostname. Will allow an IP address to be used as well.
-p, --port (Default: 636) If set will attempt a remote bind to the port based on the IP.
-d, --domain The domain controller we are connecting to in the FQDN format. If left blank then all other connection options are ignored and the lookups are done locally.
--insecure (Default: false) If set will communicate over port 389 and not use SSL