ZANTI v3 release: Android Penetration Testing Tool


ZANTI is a penetration testing tool for Android platform. It supports sniffing connected networks, man-in-the-middle attacks, port scanning, cookie acquisition and route security testing. The tool was developed by Israeli mobile security company Zimperium. In addition, it can support a series of network tasks: MAC changes, zther (to deceive the phone side to achieve a record request, record images, zpacketEditor, SSL strip, redirect HTTP, alternative pictures, download, intercept download, insert HTML, etc. A series of powerful features.), cloud reports, WIF monitors, HTTP server and a series of useful features.


Scan Your Network

Conduct network scans, in different levels, to identify connected devices and their details:

Get Detailed Information

  • Device name, model and manufacturer
  • Device OS and OS version
  • Device open ports, network IP and MAC address
  • Endpoint User-Agents

Check for Weak Points

Identify vulnerabilities by:

  • Scanning without the device being exploited
  • Matching known OS details

Simulate Attack Patterns

Conduct Man In the Middle (MITM) attacks in order:

  • Identify device properties that won’t be identified by scanning
  • Monitor decrypted data sent by the web browsers and the device application

Test With In-depth Attack Methods

Test/perform other MITM actions, e.g.,

  • Session Hijacking
  • User and password Phishing attempts
  • Browsing redirection
  • SSL stripping
  • Image replacement

Reveal Exploits

Enter the router management console in one click, if the username and password is not strong enough.

1-Click Reports

Producing scanning reports and enable to store and share them for each scanned network.


Fill in the mailbox, we open the mailbox, you can see the download link. After the download and install.

Source, Image: zimperium