Easy to use PowerShell script to enumerate access permissions in an Azure Active Directory environment.
Background details can be found in the accompanied blog posts:
- Untangling Azure Active Directory Principals & Access Permissions
- Untangling Azure Active Directory Permissions II: Privileged Access
To run this script you’ll need these two PowerShell modules:
All of these can be installed directly within PowerShell:
PS:> Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
PS:> Install-Module AADInternals
PS:> Install-Module AzureADPreview
First-time use
The script uses a browser-based Login UI to connect to Azure. If you run the tool for the first time you might experience the following error
To solve this simply allow PowerShell to emulate the browser and rerun your command.
Example use
Import and run, no arguments needed.
Note: On your first run you will likely have to authenticate twice (once Microsoft Graph and once against Azure AD Graph). I might wrap this into a single login in the future…
PS:> Import-Module .\Azure-AccessPermissions.ps1