Category: Social Engineering

squarephish: advanced phishing tool

SquarePhish SquarePhish is an advanced phishing tool that uses a technique combining the OAuth Device code authentication flow and QR codes. See PhishInSuits for more details on using OAuth Device Code flow for phishing attacks. Attack...

social engineering engagements

evilgophish: Combination of evilginx2 and GoPhish

evilgophish Combination of evilginx2 and GoPhish. Why? As a penetration tester or red teamer, you may have heard of evilginx2 as a proxy man-in-the-middle framework capable of bypassing two-factor/multi-factor authentication. This is enticing to us, to say the...

Social engineering tool

Storm-Breaker: Social engineering tool

Storm-Breaker Social engineering tool [Access Webcam & Microphone & Location Finder] With Python Features: Get Device Information Without Any Permissions Access Location [SMARTPHONES] Access Webcam Access Microphone Update Log: Second(latest) Update in May 18,...