Category: Reverse Engineering


labeless v1.1.6 releases: Remote memory dumping tool

labeless Labeless is a plugin system for dynamic, seamless and real-time synchronization between IDA Database and debugs backend. It consists of two parts: IDA plugin and debugs backend’s plugin. Labeless significantly...

Linux binary Exploitation

HITCON-Training for Linux binary Exploitation

HITCON-Training For Linux binary Exploitation Outline Basic Knowledge Introduction Reverse Engineering Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Exploitation Useful Tool IDA PRO GDB Pwntool lab 1 – sysmagic Section Compile, linking, assembler...


exploitable: The ‘exploitable’ GDB plugin

GDB ‘exploitable’ plugin The ‘exploitable’ plugin (exploitable/ ‘exploitable’ is a GDB extension that classifies Linux application bugs by severity. The extension inspects the state of a Linux application that has...


Triton: Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework

Triton is a dynamic binary analysis (DBA) framework. It provides internal components like a Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) engine, a Taint Engine, AST representations of the x86 and the x86-64 instructions...