Category: Reverse Engineering


ida_haru: scripts for IDA Pro

ida_haru scripts for IDA Pro eset_crackme IDA Pro loader/processor modules for ESET CrackMe driver VM stackstring_static IDAPython script statically-recovering strings constructed in the stack fn_fuzzy IDAPython script to export/compare...


heapinspect: Inspect heap in python

HeapInspect Pwnning is an art. HeapInspect is designed to make heap much prettier. Features Free of gdb and other requirements Multi glibc support 2.19, 2.23-2.27 (currently tested) both 32bit and 64bit...

binary patching

patchkit: binary patching from Python

patchkit Patches an ELF binary using one or more simple Python scripts. Install git clone cd patchkit ./ Use patchdir Contains one or more Python patch files, which will...