In the recent major adjustments of Microsoft’s management, the company’s development focus is clearly on the two areas of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. And according to a former Microsoft employee, Windows is no longer the core business of this technology giant that dominates the world with software. Tim Sneath, a Microsoft employee currently working at Microsoft for more than 17 years, said: “it’s incredible to see Windows demoted to a product without a seat at the highest table.”
Last weekend, Microsoft’s current CEO Nadella wrote in an open letter to employees that Terry Myerson, the head of the Windows division, would leave the company, and Joe Belfiore will take over the Windows Experience team. Multiple groups of the system will also be divisively migrated to other teams, where the kernel department will be integrated into Azure.
Sneath said this shows that Microsoft no longer regards Windows as the cornerstone and is an important support for the development of all products, which may, in essence, lead to changes in the company’s relationship with other business partners.
Sneath wrote: “If you’re an ecosystem partner of Microsoft, the lesson is clear — in the same way as Windows is no longer a core business, unless you’re focused on the cloud, you’re not a strategic partner. Throughout the majority of my time at Microsoft, Windows was the company’s centerpiece, not just in terms of being the largest revenue contributor, but even more so, the gravitational force that influenced every strategic decision.”
Source: Softpedia