Night Crawler
Night crawler is a project focused on designing an Internet of Things (IoT) search engine using some techniques to find devices in IPv4 blocks and then insert it into MongoDB.
Banner Grabbing
Whenever performing the intel-reconnaissance process during penetration testing or security auditing, we need to pay attention to the current web server’s exposed information.
That’s where banner grabbing comes in. Banner grabbing is the act of getting software banner information (name and version), whether it’s done manually, or by using any OSINT tools that can do it for you automatically.
FTP servers, web servers, SSH servers, and other system daemons often expose critical information about not only the software name but also about the exact versions and operating systems they’re running.
Port Scanning
Is a method of determining which ports on a network are open and could be receiving or sending data. It is also a process for sending packets to specific ports on a host and analyzing responses to identify vulnerabilities.
IP Geolocation
IP Geolocation is the identification of the geographic location of a device, such as a mobile phone, gadget, laptop, server, and so on, by using an IP address. This search engine consumes an API to get the locations in JSON format.
Screenshot Functions
If it detects that a device has an HTTP service running, it sends a request to a server with Rendertron and saves a screenshot.
git clone
Copyright (C) 2021 alechilczenko