Tagged: mole

out-of-band application vulnerabilities

mole: identifying and exploiting out-of-band (OOB) vulnerabilities

Mole A framework for identifying and exploiting out-of-band application vulnerabilities. Installation & Setup Mole Install Python >= 3.6 git clone https://github.com/ztgrace/mole.git virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv source venv/bin/activate ./venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt git submodule update...

create ssh tunnels

mole v2.0 releases: cli app to create ssh tunnels

Mole is a cli application to create ssh tunnels, forwarding a local port to a remote address through an ssh server. Features Auto local address selection: find a port available and start listening to it, so the -local flag doesn’t need to be...