Tagged: nginx


CVE-2023-1550: F5 NGINX Agent information disclosure

A new security vulnerability, CVE-2023-1550, has been discovered in F5 NGINX Agent. Rated with a CVSS score of 5.5, it poses a moderate threat to your system’s security. The Vulnerability Explained CVE-2023-1550 affects NGINX...


Nginx mainline version1.15.2 release: bug fixes and new features

Nginx mainline version 1.15.2 has been released. This version adds a new feature, one change, and some bug fixes. Feature: the $ssl_preread_protocol variable in the ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module. Feature: now when using the “reset_timedout_connection” directive nginx...

NGINX grpc

NGINX will support gRPC on the next version

Recently, NGINX announced on its blog that NGINX has completed native support for gRPC and will provide it for use in a version 1.13.10. If you can’t wait for your early adopters, you can...