Today IEEE Spectrum released the 2018 top programming language rankings. The list can be generated according to various criteria such as fashion trends, career direction, language type, etc., or can be arranged in a plurality of standards. Users can filter related selection items according to their own needs and customise the leaderboard.
From the leaderboards, Python is at the top of the list of top programming languages of the year. C++, C, Java, C#, PHP, R, JavaScript, Go, and Assembly are all in the top ten of the list, including C++. C language, Java, and C# are the old faces in the top rankings.
It is worth noting that among the last ten, Forth ranked the latest in the list with a score of 0. According to the data, the Forth language is an antique in the embedded language invented in the 1960s. It was developed by engineers and technicians at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and is extremely small today.
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