The cybersecurity landscape is a perpetually shifting terrain, a cat-and-mouse game between defenders fortifying their systems and...
A recent discovery by a renowned security researcher, Andrea Micalizzi, known as rgod in cybersecurity circles, has...
In the constantly evolving world of computer networking and wireless connectivity solutions, Aruba Networks, a California-based subsidiary...
As our world continues to pivot towards an increasingly digital environment, the importance of robust and reliable...
Boasting over a million active installations, Essential Addons for Elementor is the go-to plugin for many WordPress...
Microsoft’s recent Patch Tuesday release addressed a staggering 38 security vulnerabilities across six product families, including six...
In April, cybersecurity researchers at FortiGuard Labs discovered a novel botnet, AndoryuBot, which leverages the SOCKS protocol...
The Linux kernel is the core component of the Linux operating system, responsible for managing system resources,...
CyberGhost VPN, a popular virtual private network (VPN) solution provider, has recently addressed a command injection vulnerability...
Apache bRPC, an industrial-grade RPC framework utilizing C++ language, has recently come under scrutiny due to a...
A proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for a serious privilege escalation vulnerability in Parallels Desktop has been released by...
GitLab, the popular web-based DevOps lifecycle tool, has recently issued a critical security advisory concerning a significant...
A recently discovered flaw, CVE-2023-0386, with a CVSS score of 7.8, has been identified in the Linux...
The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugins, which boast over 2 million active...
Microsoft mandated personal computer support for TPM to install Windows 11, provoking controversy upon the operating system’s...