According to Quartz report, the US National Toxicology Program has confirmed that for the first time, there is sufficient and clear evidence that the radiation of smartphones will increase the incidence of at least one type of cancer, which has been confirmed in the male rats. Previously, the academic community generally believed that because the smartphone releases non-ionizing radiation, theoretically it will not destroy the chemical bonds, and ionizing radiation (such as X-ray, CT scans, and nuclear power plants, among others) is different.
Specifically, the risk of a schwannoma (malignant) is highest in the connective tissue of the peripheral nerves of the heart. However, the experiment used “some evidence” to describe the risk of brain tumors. It does not seem that the former is strong.
Ronald Melnick, an expert who participated in the plan, said that he has already proposed that FDA revise humans’ use of smart machines with no pathological risks.