Privilege escalation checks for Linux systemd.
This tool checks for issues on Linux systems that may lead to privilege escalation. The core focus in on systemd configuration.
This tool is under active development and is still at a very early stage. So far it does the following:
- Basic sudo checks (nothing new and exciting here)
- Checks for systemd paths that may be writeable (fat chance)
- Checks for writable service, timer, and socket units (blah)
- Disassembles these unit files and looks inside them for (EXCITING):
- References to executables that are writable
- References to broken symlinks pointing to writeable directories
- Relative path statements
- Unix socket files that are writeable (sneaky APIs)
This disassembly and analysis of unit files is what makes this tool unique. For general purpose privesc, the classic tools are far superior.
Future improvements may include things like:
- Socket configuration issues
- .conf file analysis
git clone https://github.com/initstring/uptux.git
Copyright (c) 2018 InitString
Source: https://github.com/initstring/