Category: Exploitation

Obfuscate payload

EntropyReducer: Reduce Entropy And Obfuscate Your Payload

EntropyReducer: Reduce The Entropy Of Your Payload And Obfuscate It With Serialized Linked Lists How Does It Work EntropyReducer algorithm is determined by BUFF_SIZE and NULL_BYTES values. The following is how would EntropyReducer organize your payload if BUFF_SIZE was...

evasion techniques

hades: Go shellcode loader

Hades Hades is a proof-of-concept loader that combines several evasion techniques with the aim of bypassing the defensive mechanisms commonly used by modern AV/EDRs. Install The easiest way is probably...

Discord C2

DCVC2: Golang Discord C2

Discord Voice Channel C2 aka DCVC2 This multi-operating system-compatible tool was created to leverage Discord’s voice channels for command and control operations. This tool operates entirely over the Real-Time Protocol...

Payload Loader

APCLdr: Payload Loader With Evasion Features

APCLdr: Payload Loader With Evasion Features Features: no crt functions imported indirect syscalls using HellHall api hashing using the CRC32 hashing algorithm payload encryption using rc4 – payload is saved in .rsrc...

encrypt shellcode

Shoggoth: Asmjit Based Polymorphic Encryptor

Shoggoth Shoggoth is an open-source project based on C++ and asmjit library used to encrypt given shellcode, PE, and COFF files polymorphically. Shoggoth will generate an output file that stores...