Category: Information Gathering
Check-LocalAdminHash Check-LocalAdminHash is a PowerShell tool that attempts to authenticate to multiple hosts over either WMI or SMB using a password hash to determine if the provided credential is a...
Goby – Attack surface mapping The new generation of network security technology achieves rapid security emergencies through the establishment of a complete asset database for the target. Scan Asset Scanning...
Silver Mass Vulnerability Scanner masscan is fast, nmap can fingerprint software and vulners is a huge vulnerability database. Silver is a front-end that allows complete utilization of these programs by...
PR-DNSd Passive-Recursive DNS daemon. What does it do? Use cases run as localhost DNS service, to fix your netstat/tcpview/lsof, etc. output as enterprise-internal DNS server, to also be able...
SauronEye SauronEye is a search tool built to aid red teams in finding files containing specific keywords. Features: Search multiple (network) drives Search contents of files Search contents of Microsoft...
PEPE – Post-Exploitation Pastebin Emails Collect information about leaked email addresses from Pastebin The script parses Pastebin email:password dumps and gathers information about each email address. It supports Google, Trumail,...
ntlmscan scan for NTLM directories reliable targets are: OWA servers Skype for Business/Lync servers Autodiscover servers ( and once identified, use nmap and the http-ntlm-info script to extract internal domain/server information...
MassMap MassMap automates port scanning of large target IP addresses and/or CIDR notations by combining Masscan’s speed, and Nmap’s detailed scanning features. How it Works MassMap updates the machine and...
Metaforge An OSINT tool that analyzes metadata and creates dynamic reports Supported Filetypes dll | docx | doc | exe | gif | html | jpeg| mkv | mp3 |...
grinder Internet-connected Devices Census Python Framework The Grinder framework was created to automatically enumerate and fingerprint different hosts on the Internet using different back-end systems: search engines, such as Shodan...
Start-ADEnum A tool to automate Active Directory enumeration. Tool Prereq This tool requires that you have a runas /netonly shell. Download git clone Functions Start-PreReqCheck Install-Tools Start-ADEnum Start-PreReqCheck This...
AUTO-RECON Information Gathering Automation framework. This program is intended to be used in Kali Linux. Features! This tool is intended for CTF’s and can be fairly noisy. (Not the most...
vhost_buster A simple tool by securitydiots with the power of “Go” to find the hidden Vhosts defined at the server. Many times there are hidden virtual hosts defined at server-side,...
Shodmon The Shodan monitoring tools allow you to monitor shodan listed servers basis on the filter you select Usage This tool can be used to monitor internet exposed surface, specifically...
Shodan Eye This tool collects all information about all devices that are directly connected to the internet with the specified keywords that you enter. This way you get a complete...