Category: Password Attacks


credmap: The Credential Mapper

Credmap is an open source tool that was created to bring awareness to the dangers of credential reuse. It is capable of testing supplied user credentials on several known websites...


dymerge: dynamic dictionary merger

DyMerge  A simple, yet powerful tool – written purely in python – which takes given wordlists and merges them into one dynamic dictionary that can then be used as ammunition...


nozzlr: bruteforce framework

Nozzlr v1.1 Nozzlr is a multithread bruteforcer, truly modular and script-friendly. The other bruteforce tools are amazing, but the hardcoded parameters make it painful to script over complex tasks. Nozzlr...


wordsmith: creating tailored wordlists

wordsmith.rb The aim of Wordsmith is to assist with creating tailored wordlists and usernames that are primarily based on geolocation. Authors: @kawabungah & @porterhau5. Wild West Hackin’ Fest 2017 presentation. Wordsmith Parsers project: Installation...


naive-hashcat: Crack password hashes without the fuss

Naive Hashcat Crack password hashes without the fuss. Naive hashcat is a plug-and-play script that is pre-configured with naive, empirically-tested, “good enough” parameters/attack types. Run hashcat attacks using ./ without having to...