Category: Penetration Testing

NTLM Relaying Attacks

ADFSRelay: NTLM Relaying Attacks Targeting ADFS

ADFSRelay This repository includes two utilities NTLMParse and ADFSRelay. NTLMParse is a utility for decoding base64-encoded NTLM messages and printing information about the underlying properties and fields within the message....

shellcode loader

laZzzy: shellcode loader

laZzzy laZzzy is a shellcode loader that demonstrates different execution techniques commonly employed by malware. laZzzy was developed using different open-source header-only libraries. Features Direct syscalls and native (Nt*) functions...

Azure AD security

EAST: Extensible Azure Security Tool

Extensible Azure Security Tool Extensible Azure Security Tool (Later referred as E.A.S.T) is a tool for assessing Azure and to some extent Azure AD security controls. The primary use case...