Home Assistant, a renowned free and open-source software for home automation, stands as a pivotal cornerstone for...
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has added two new security vulnerabilities to its Known Exploited...
The Apache HTTP Server, also known as Apache, is the most popular web server software in the...
In today’s ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, any point of weakness is a potential jackpot for hackers....
Apache InLong is a popular data integration framework that is used by many organizations to process large...
Citrix cautions against the utilization of a recently discovered critical vulnerability in NetScaler ADC and Gateway devices...
CVE-2023-34050 is a deserialization vulnerability in the Spring AMQP project, which is a popular Java library for...
A vulnerability has been detected on the digital business platform, ServiceNow, jeopardizing the platform’s users. ServiceNow is...
On October 4, 2023, Proself, a Japanese company that offers online storage and file-sharing solutions, identified a...
In the realm of digital services, consistent communication with customers and stakeholders is pivotal. Organizations large and...
JavaScript is a language in constant evolution, with new features, methodologies, and improvements being added regularly. While...
In the vast ocean of open-source web frameworks, web2py has long been revered as a versatile tool...
Cisco unveiled a previously undisclosed vulnerability within the Web UI feature of its IOS XE Software. This...
Apache bRPC is a popular RPC framework used by many large companies and open-source projects. It is...
A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in the Linux NVMe-oF/TCP driver. This vulnerability, CVE-2023-5178, can be...