Category: Smartphone PenTest
AndroGoat AndroGoat is purposely developed an open-source vulnerable/insecure app using Kotlin. Security Testers/Professionals/Enthusiasts, Developers…etc. can use this application to understand and defend the vulnerabilities in the Android platform. This is...
ToothPicker ToothPicker is an in-process, coverage-guided fuzzer for iOS. It was developed to specifically target iOS’s Bluetooth daemon bluetoothd and to analyze various Bluetooth protocols on iOS. As it is built...
NFCGate NFCGate is an Android application meant to capture, analyze, or modify NFC traffic. It can be used as a researching tool to reverse engineer protocols or assess the security...
apkLeaks Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets. Changelog v2.6.1 Patch Remove trailing comma (hotfix #52) Installation Linux $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev swig -y OSX $ brew install openssl...
apk-medit Apk-medit is a memory search and patch tool for debuggable apk without root & ndk. It was created for mobile game security testing. Motivation Memory modification is the easiest...
AMDH An Android Mobile Device Hardening is written with python3 Motivations AMDH was created to help to automate and listing all applications installed devices and also to protect privacy in...
ADBSploit A python-based tool for exploiting and managing Android devices via ADB. Functionalities List Devices Connect Devices TCPIP Forward Ports Airplane Managment Wifi Managment Sound Control List/Info Apps WPA Supplicant...
iblessing iblessing is iOS security exploiting toolkit, it mainly includes application information collection, static analysis, and dynamic analysis. iblessing is based on a unicorn engine and capstone engine. Features 🔥 Cross-platform: Tested on macOS and Ubuntu. iOS...
UnSAFE Bank UnSAFE Bank is a core virtual banking suite designed with the aim to incorporate the cybersecurity risks and various test cases such that newbie, developers, and security analysts...
AndroPyTool This is a tool for extracting static and dynamic features from Android APKs. It combines different well-known Android apps analysis tools such as DroidBox, FlowDroid, Strace, AndroGuard or VirusTotal...
Frida/QBDI Android API Fuzzer This experimental fuzzer is meant to be used for API in-memory fuzzing on Android. The design is highly inspired and based on AFL/AFL++. ATM the mutator...
Android Application Analyzer The tool is used to analyze the content of the android application in local storage. Feature Strings command on “so or library” file Compatible with python3 Deep...
Ghost Framework Ghost Framework is an Android post-exploitation framework that uses an Android Debug Bridge to remotely access an Android device. Ghost Framework gives you the power and convenience of...
InjuredAndroid – CTF A vulnerable Android application with ctf examples based on bug bounty findings, exploitation concepts, and pure creativity. Changelog v1.0.12 This release includes the missing x86_64 library for...
Obfuscapk – A black-box obfuscation tool for Android apps. Obfuscapk is a modular Python tool for obfuscating Android apps without needing their source code, since apktool is used to decompile the original...