Tagged: powershell


AutomatedProfiler: Automated forensics

AutomatedProfiler will parse an image utilizing RegRipper, RECmd, and various PowerShell cmdlets. The output of the script will be in a text file called ‘profiler.txt’ and will contain information about said system such as...

WMI_Forensics: find evidence in WMI repositories

WMI_Forensics This repository contains scripts used to find evidence in WMI repositories, specifically OBJECTS.DATA files located at: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\OBJECTS.DATA C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA Download CCM_RUA_Finder.py CCM_RUA_finder.py extracts SCCM software metering RecentlyUsedApplication logs from OBJECTS.DATA files. Usage The output...

Invoke-Vnc: Powershell VNC injector

Invoke-Vnc executes a VNC agent in-memory and initiates a reverse connection, or binds to a specified port. Password authentication is supported. Execute agent remotely via WMI If you have authenticated access (password, nt hash...