Category: Password Attacks
Naive Hashcat Crack password hashes without the fuss. Naive hashcat is a plug-and-play script that is pre-configured with naive, empirically-tested, “good enough” parameters/attack types. Run hashcat attacks using ./ without having to...
PassGAN This repository contains code for the PassGAN: A Deep Learning Approach for Password Guessing paper. The model from PassGAN is taken from Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs and it is assumed that the...
lyncsmash a collection of tools to enumerate and attack self-hosted Skype for Business and Microsoft Lync installations Note: these tools will not work with Skype/Lync installations hosted at Microsoft. Download...
PowerSniper Password spraying script and helper for creating password lists. The Python script uses configurable parameters to extract complex passwords from a password list such as rockyou.txt. It then analyzes...
SNMP brute force, enumeration, CISCO config downloader and password cracking script. Listens for any responses to the brute force community strings, effectively minimising wait time. Features Brute forces both version...
Nmap is a network connection scanning software, used to scan the Internet computer open network connection. Determine which services are running on those connections, and infer which operating system the...
Wavecrack A user-friendly Web interface to share an hashcat cracking box among multiple users with some pre-defined options. Outline This Web application can be used to launch asynchronous password cracks with...
Mentalist is a graphical tool for custom wordlist generation. It utilizes common human paradigms for constructing passwords and can output the full wordlist as well as rules compatible with Hashcat and John the...
gocrack GoCrack provides APIs to manage password cracking tasks across supported cracking engines. Building GoCrack From source Prerequisites Linux (Ubuntu 16.04+ although other distributions may work) or MacOS Computer(s) with...
SMB reverse brute Performs a 2 password reverse bruteforce against any hosts with NULL SMB sessions that allow RID cycling for usernames. Takes a hostlist file or a Nmap XML...
ROCA detection tool This tool is related to ACM CCS 2017 conference paper #124 Return of the Coppersmith’s Attack: Practical Factorization of Widely Used RSA Moduli. It enables you to test...
pentest-machine Automates some pentesting work via a nmap XML file. As soon as each command finishes it writes its output to the terminal and the files in output-by-service/ and output-by-host/....
Hakku Framework What is Hakku Framework? Hakku is a simple framework that has been made for penetration testing tools. Hakku framework offers simple structure, basic CLI, and useful features for...
Dagon – Advanced Hash Manipulation Dagon (day-gone) is an advanced hash cracking and manipulation system, capable of brute-forcing multiple hash types, creating brute-force dictionaries, automatic hashing algorithm verification, random salt generation from...
PenBox – A Penetration Testing Framework A Penetration Testing Framework, The Hacker’s Repo our hope is in the last version we will have the very script that a hacker needs...