Category: Exploitation


DoHC2: leveraged for command and control via DNS over HTTPS

DoHC2 DoHC2 allows the ExternalC2 library from Ryan Hanson ( to be leveraged for command and control (C2) via DNS over HTTPS (DoH). This is built for the popular Adversary Simulation and Red Team...


gorsh v1.0 releases: golang reverse shell

gorsh A Golang Implant and Tmux-driven C2 Interface Originally forked from – sysdream/hershell Fork Changes Changes after fork: Uses tmux as a pseudo-C2-like interface, creating a new window with each agent callback Download files with...


boofuzz v0.4.2 releases: Network Protocol Fuzzing for Humans

boofuzz: Network Protocol Fuzzing for Humans It is a fork of and the successor to the venerable Sulley fuzzing framework. Besides numerous bug fixes, it aims for extensibility. The goal: fuzz everything. Features Like Sulley, boofuzz...


bettercap-proxy-modules: bettercap transparent proxy example modules

This repository contains some bettercap transparent proxy example modules. HTTP(S) Proxy Modules http/beefbox.rb – Similar to injectjs but specialized to work with the BeEF framework. http/debug.rb – Debug HTTP requests and responses. http/curl_log.rb – A simple logging module where all...

phishing catcher

Phishing catcher using Certstream

Phishing catcher Catching malicious phishing domain names using certstream SSL certificates live stream. This is just a working PoC, feel free to contribute and tweak the code to fit your needs Installation git clone pip install...