Category: Exploitation


ipv4Bypass: Using IPv6 to Bypass Security

ipv4Bypass Using IPv6 to Bypass Security how the tool works 1) Sends an ICMP echo request (ping6 ff02::1%eth0) to the broadcast address (ff02::1), all IPv6 hosts in the local network...


whoof: Web-Browser Hooking Framework

whoof (Web-Browser Hooking Framework) whoof is an early stage lightweight web browser hooking framework. A web browser hook can be thought of as a backdoor in a web page allowing...

ruler exchange service

ruler v2.5 releases: abuse Exchange services

Ruler is a tool that allows you to interact with Exchange servers remotely, through either the MAPI/HTTP or RPC/HTTP protocol. The main aim is to abuse the client-side Outlook features...

Side-Channel Attack Lab

scale: Side-Channel Attack Lab

SCALE: Side-Channel Attack Lab. Exercises Alongside the implementation of cryptography in hardware and software, attacks on those implementations (plus associated countermeasures) form a central challenge in cryptographic engineering. This topic is sometimes termed...


fuzzotron: TCP/UDP based network daemon fuzzer

Fuzzotron Fuzzotron is a simple network fuzzer supporting TCP, UDP, and multithreading. Radamsa and Blab are used for test case generation. Fuzzotron exists as a first-port-of-call network fuzzer, aiming for...