Category: Forensics


CyLR v2.2 releases: Live Response Collection

CyLR What is CyLR? The CyLR tool collects forensic artefacts from hosts with NTFS file systems quickly, securely and minimizes impact to the host. The main features are: Quick collection...

spamscope v2.8.1 release: Fast Advanced Spam Analysis Tool

SpamScope is an advanced spam analysis tool that uses Apache Storm with streamparse to process a stream of mails. It’s possible to analyze more than 5 millions of mails (without attachments post processors) for...


nightHawkResponse: Incident Response Forensic Framework

nightHawk Response Custom built an application for asynchronus forensic data presentation on an Elasticsearch backend. This application is designed to ingest a Mandiant Redline “collections” file and give flexibility in...


honeytrap: Advanced Honeypot framework

Honeytrap Honeytrap is a modular framework for running, monitoring and managing honeypots. Using Honeytrap you can use sensors, high interaction and low interaction honeypots together, while still using the same...