Penetration-Testing-Toolkit: A web interface to automate Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing Toolkit

A web interface to automate Scanning, Generating metasploit payload, Network Testing,Exploring CMS,Information Gathering,DNS Queries,IP Tools,Domain tools and much more.


Includes web interface for different tools for web scanning like nmap,uniscan,lbd,wapiti,nikto,whatweb,sslyze etc
Generates metasploit payload for almost all operating systems (windows,linux,Apple osx,Android)
Generate backdoors for debian packages,exe files and pdf
Includes web interface for theharvester
Google hacking
Collect various types of datas from a URL
Includes cms-explorer i.e..scan wordpress,joomla,drpal,blindelephant scan etc
Includes DNS-related tools,IP tools,ping test,link extractor and checker,traceroute etc
Domain tools such as domain availability checker,page rank checker,domain age checker,alexa rank,whois lookup etc
Includes web interface for urlcrazy to generate and test domain typos
And much more…..

git clone

  • Option 1(
    cd Penetration-Testing-Toolkit-master
    chmod +x
    ./ .
    most of the dependencies will be installed but to use some modules(URL FUZZER and to Check if domain uses load balancing) you may need to install ‘lbd’ and ‘uniscan’ manually.
    If you want you can add kali linux official repos (/etc/sources.list) in your Ubuntu (/etc/sources.list) just to install all the dependencies
  • Option 2(Manually):
    1.Unzip the downloaded zip file
    2.Go to the the directory where you extracted your file
    cd Penetration-Testing-Toolkit-master
    3.Add user ‘www-data’ into /etc/sudoers file
    echo “www-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL”>>/etc/sudoers
    4a.Add the Backbox and Backtrack repositories if you are running Ubuntu
    4b.If you are running kali linux,You don’t need to add any repositories,but if you want you can add backbox linux repos
    Install automater in kali :
    dpkg -i automater_1.2.1-0backbox1_all.deb
    5.Install apache2 and php
    apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
    6.Copy ‘lab’ folder to your web root (/var/www)
    cp -r lab /var/www
    7.Install the dependencies listed below by using apt-get or manually
    nmap, mingw32,siege, metasploit(msf), nikto, whatweb, sslyze, wapiti, amap, xprobe, dmitry, blindelephant, dnstracer, curl, lynx, mtr, fping, urlcrazy, automater, shellinabox, nbtscan,uniscan,lbd,weevely,amap

open http://yourip/lab in your web browser
