Supernova Supernova is an open-source Golang tool that empowers users to securely encrypt their raw shellcodes. Additionally,...
Network PenTest
MORF – Mobile Reconnaissance Framework Mobile Reconnaissance Framework is a powerful, lightweight, and platform-independent offensive mobile security...
EDRaser EDRaser is a powerful tool for remotely deleting access logs, Windows event logs, databases, and other...
Electron_shell An increasing number of desktop applications are opting for the Electron framework. Electron provides a method...
CVE-2023-36874 Windows Error Reporting LPE BOF This is a mature and operational CobaltStrike BOF implementation of Filip...
WMIexec Set of Python scripts which perform different ways of command execution via WMI protocol. Blog Post...
Apepe Apepe is a Python tool developed to help pentesters and red teamers easily get information from...
OSDP (Open Supervised Device Protocol) Vulnerabilities Attack #1: Encryption is Optional OSDP supports, but doesn’t strictly require, encryption....
QuadraInspect The security of mobile devices has become a critical concern due to the increasing amount of...
Callisto An Intelligent Automated Binary Vulnerability Analysis Tool Callisto is an intelligent automated binary vulnerability analysis tool....
SMShell PoC for an SMS-based shell. Send commands and receive responses over SMS from mobile broadband-capable computers....
RDPCredentialStealer RDPCredentialStealer it’s malware that steals credentials provided by users in RDP using API Hooking with Detours...
DropSpawn DropSpawn is a CobaltStrike BOF used to spawn additional Beacons via a relatively unknown method of...
ModuleShifting ModuleShifting is a stealthier variation of Module Stomping and Module overloading injection technique. It is actually...
Caracal Caracal is a static analyzer tool over the SIERRA representation for Starknet smart contracts. Features Detectors...