Ps-Tools, an advanced process monitoring toolkit for offensive operations. Having a good technical understanding of the systems...
Post Exploitation
lollipopz Data exfiltration utility used for testing the detection capabilities of security products. Obviously for legal purposes...
Pulsar Pulsar is a tool for data exfiltration and covert communication that enables you to create a...
mssqlproxy mssqlproxy is a toolkit aimed to perform a lateral movement in restricted environments through a compromised...
cookie_crimes – Chrome Cookie Extraction Without Root This will print out a user’s Chrome cookies. You don’t...
Decrypt TeamViewer Enumerate and decrypt TeamViewer settings from the registry. It’s a little C# tool that uses...
gtfo This is a standalone script written in Python 3 for GTFOBins. You can search for Unix binaries...
Invoke-CleverSpray Password Spraying Script detecting current and previous passwords of Active Directory User by @flelievre Behavior: Retrieves default...
What is it for? Grouper2 is a tool for pentesters to help find security-related misconfigurations in Active Directory Group...
harpoon A collection post-exploitation scripts for determining if that shell you just got is in a container,...
Stowaway Stowaway is a Multi-hop proxy tool for security researchers and pentesters Users can easily proxy their...
BetterBackdoor A backdoor is a tool used to gain remote access to a machine. Typically, backdoor utilities...
Spraykatz is a tool without any pretension able to retrieve credentials on Windows machines and large Active Directory...
Here you will find privilege escalation tools for Windows and Linux/Unix* (in some near future also for Mac). These...
PivotSuite PivotSuite: Hack The Hidden Network – A Network Pivoting Toolkit It is a portable, platform-independent and...