Shodan client for JavaScript API 👀 The content of the result is the same provided by the HTTP...
Information Gathering
Offensive ELK: Elasticsearch for Offensive Security Traditional “defensive” tools can be effectively used for Offensive security data...
Mail Header Analyzer (MHA) What is MHA: Mail header analyzer is a tool written in [flask] (
GoScan GoScan is an interactive network scanner client, featuring auto-complete, which provides abstraction and automation over nmap. It...
sheepl Sheepl: Creating realistic user behaviour for supporting tradecraft development within lab environments Introduction There are lots...
IPOsint Discovery IP Address space of the target IPOsint allows you to discover the IP Address of...
SPARTA is a python GUI application which simplifies network infrastructure penetration testing by aiding the penetration tester...
Mimir OSINT Threat Intel Interface – Named after the old Norse God of knowledge. Mimir functions as...
bscan is a command-line utility to perform active information gathering and service enumeration. At its core, bscan asynchronously spawns processes...
Nightcall Automated enumeration script built to reduce repetitive tasks during large network pentests. Initial host discovery performed...
MAC Address Age Tracking This repository is used to determine an approximate issuance date for IEEE allocated...
SNMPwn is an SNMPv3 user enumerator and attack tool. It is a legitimate security tool designed to...
evilscan Massive ip/port scanner Features individual IP or IP range scan individual port, ports list, or ports...
LDAPDomainDump Active Directory information dumper via LDAP In an Active Directory domain, a lot of interesting information...
Angry IP scanner is a very fast IP address and port scanner. It can scan IP addresses...