Category: Sniffing & Spoofing

PenBox Penetration Testing Framework

PenBox: A Penetration Testing Framework

PenBox – A Penetration Testing Framework A Penetration Testing Framework, The Hacker’s Repo our hope is in the last version we will have the very script that a hacker needs #Information Gathering : nmap...


GhostInTheNet: protects Linux from MITM/DOS/scan

GhostInTheNet Ultimate Network Stealther that makes Linux a Ghost In The Net and protects from MITM/DOS/scan Properties: Network Invisibility Network Anonymity Protects from MITM/DOS Transparent Cross-platform Minimalistic Dependencies: Linux 2.4.26+ – will work on any...


zarp: Network Attack Tool

Introduction Zarp is a network attack tool centered around the exploitation of local networks. This does not include system exploitation, but rather abusing networking protocols and stacks to take over, infiltrate, and knock out....

NativePayload_BSSID: Transferring Backdoor Payload by BSSID and Wireless traffic

NativePayload_BSSID Transferring Backdoor Payload by BSSID and Wireless traffic Published by Damon Mohammadbagher Syntax : NativePayload_BSSID.exe help Syntax : NativePayload_BSSID.exe null “payload string” Syntax : NativePayload_BSSID.exe “ESSID” For Step by step you should visit...