COM-hunter is a COM Hijacking persistence tool written in C#.
- Finds out entry valid CLSIDs in the victim’s machine.
- Finds out valid CLSIDs via Task Scheduler in the victim’s machine.
- Finds out if someone already used any of those valid CLSIDs in order to do COM persistence (LocalServer32/InprocServer32).
- Finds out if someone already used any of valid CLSID via Task Scheduler in order to do COM persistence (LocalServer32/InprocServer32).
- Tries to do automatically COM Hijacking Persistence with general valid CLSIDs (LocalServer32/InprocServer32).
- Tries to do automatically COM Hijacking Persistence via Task Scheduler.
- Tries to use the “TreatAs” key in order to refer to a different component.
[+] Usage:
.\COM-Hunter.exe <mode> <options>
-> General Options:
-h, –help Shows help and exits.
-v, –version Shows current version and exits.
-a, –about Shows info, credits about the tool and exits.-> Modes:
Search Search Mode
Persist Persist Mode-> Search Mode:
Get-Entry Searches for valid CLSIDs entries.
Get-Tasksch Searches for valid CLSIDs entries via Task Scheduler.
Find-Persist Searches if someone already used a valid CLSID (Defence).
Find-Tasksch Searches if someone already used a valid CLSID via Task Scheduler (Defence).-> Persist Mode:
General Uses General method to apply COM Hijacking Persistence in Registry.
Tasksch Try to do COM Hijacking Persistence via Task Scheduler.
TreatAs Uses TreatAs Registry key to apply COM Hijacking Persistence in Registry.-> General Usage:
.\COM-Hunter.exe Persist General <clsid> <full_path_of_evil_dll>-> Tasksch Usage:
.\COM-Hunter.exe Persist Tasksch <full_path_of_evil_dll>-> TreatAs Usage:
.\COM-Hunter.exe Persist TreatAs <clsid> <full_path_of_evil_dll>
Example Usages
Get-Entry (Search Mode):
.\COM-Hunter.exe Search Get-Entry
Find-Persist (Search Mode):
.\COM-Hunter.exe Search Find-Persist
General (Persist Mode):
.\COM-Hunter.exe Persist General ‘HKCU:Software\Classes\CLSID\…’ C:\Users\nickvourd\Desktop\beacon.dll
Tasksch (Persist Mode):
.\COM-Hunter.exe Persist Tasksch C:\Users\nickvourd\Desktop\beacon.dll
Example Format Valid CLSIDs
Copyright (c) 2022 Nikos Vourdas