Category: Vulnerability


Multi Critical Vulnerabilities Found in Zyxel NAS Products

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, vigilance is paramount. Zyxel, a prominent manufacturer of network-attached storage (NAS) devices, has recently disclosed a series of critical vulnerabilities that could expose your NAS device to unauthorized...

DeleFriend vulnerability

DeleFriend Vulnerability: Google Denies Design Flaw

Google disputes claims of a design flaw in Google Workspace uncovered by Hunters Security researchers. Hunters Security believes that the error allows an attacker to steal email from Gmail, exfiltrate data from Google Drive,...

cow tracking collars vulnerability

Cybersecurity Risks in Smart Dairy Farming

The paper, titled “The Internet of Insecure Cows – A Security Analysis of Wireless Smart Devices Used for Dairy Farming,” authored by Samuel Barnes-Thornton, Joseph Gardiner, and Awais Rashid of the University of Bristol,...