All the power of PayloadsAllTheThings, without the overhead. This extension adds autocompletion support and useful payloads in Burp Suite to make your intrusion easier.
Getting started
- Download the jar file from the release directory
- Add it to Burp Suite using the Extender tab
Execute gradle build and you’ll have the plugin ready in releases/HopLa.jar.
By default, HopLa is shipped with default payloads. You can add yours by loading a custom JSON file in the menu.
At the first usage, HopLa creates a JSON file containing all the payloads in the jar file directory.
Press Ctrl+Q to display the payload library menu.
You can disable the global autocompletion in the top menu.
For i3, add the following line to $HOME/.config/i3/config for floating frame:
for_window [class=”.*burp-StartBurp.*” title=”^ $”] floating enable
How to add payloads
The JSON payloads file follow the structure:
There is no nesting limit.
You can automatically add a prompt dialog:
To add only keywords that do not appear in the menu, you can add them in the keywords category:
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