Category: Web Exploitation

Serverless Blind XSS

xless: The Serverless Blind XSS App

XLESS – The Serverless Blind XSS App xless is a serverless blind XSS app that can be used to identify blind XSS vulnerabilities using your own deployed version of the app. There is no need to...

JMX exploitation toolkit

sjet: siberas JMX exploitation toolkit

sJET siberas JMX Exploitation Toolkit sJET allows easy exploitation of insecure configured JMX services. Download Prerequirement Jython 2.7 git clone Usage SJET implements a CLI interface (using argparse): jython targetHost targetPort password MODE (modeOptions)...

Browser Exploitation Framework

beef v0.5.4 releases: The Browser Exploitation Framework

BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser. Amid growing concerns about web-borne attacks against clients, including mobile clients, BeEF allows the professional penetration...