Cybersecurity News

Malaysian organ donors

MEDantex Transcription Service data leaks

MEDantex is a medical transcription company headquartered in Kansas, USA. Its main business is to provide customized transcription solutions for hospitals, clinics, and private doctors. Last week, KrebsOnSecurity, a well-known security website, sent a notice...

RHEL 6.10

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10 Release

RHEL is a commercial Linux distribution with a history of more than ten years (initially released in 2000). It often uses on mainframes and supercomputers in addition to ordinary PCs and general servers. The excellent stability...

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS official release

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is finally officially released for download! Ubuntu 18.04 uses the GNOME desktop environment instead of the traditional Unity desktop. In order to harmonize with previous user experience, the official has made...


icmpsh: Simple reverse ICMP shell

Sometimes, network administrators make the penetration tester’s life harder. Some of them do use firewalls for what they are meant to, surprisingly! Allowing traffic only onto known machines, ports and services (ingress filtering) and...

Microsoft Edge DevTools

Microsoft Launches Microsoft Edge DevTools Preview app

At the Edge Network Summit last year, Microsoft announced plans to restructure Microsoft Edge’s development tools. Today, the company brought us a preview version of the new Edge DevTools, and interested friends can download this...

hotel key cards

Hacker can use hotel key cards to penetrate into rooms

When an F-Secure researcher participated in an information security conference in Berlin, his laptop was stolen from the hotel room, but there was no sign of forced entry. The incident sparked the interest of two...