Category: Defense


BTPS-SecPack: Blue Team PowerShell Security Package

The Blue Team PowerShell Security Package This repo contains a collection of PowerShell tools that can be utilized to protect defend an environment based on Microsoft’s recommendations. This repo also assumes that you have...


Wynis: auditing security with CIS BEST Practices

Wynis Just a powershell scripts for auditing security with CIS BEST Practices Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. You just need to run the script, it will create a directory named: AUDIT_CONF_%DATE% The directory...


Raccine v1.4.4 releases: Simple Ransomware Protection

Raccine A Simple Ransomware Protection Why We see ransomware delete all shadow copies using vssadmin pretty often. What if we could just intercept that request and kill the invoking process? Let’s try to create a...

Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool

MKIT: Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool

MKIT – Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool Quickly discover key security risks of your managed Kubernetes clusters and resources MKIT is a Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool that leverages FOSS tools to query and validate several common security-related configuration...


manuka: A modular OSINT honeypot for blue teamers

Manuka A modular, scalable OSINT honeypot targeting pre-attack reconnaissance techniques. Manuka is an Open-source intelligence (OSINT) honeypot that monitors reconnaissance attempts by threat actors and generates actionable intelligence for Blue Teamers. It creates a...

Active Directory Hunting Lab

Adaz: Active Directory Hunting Lab in Azure

Adaz: Active Directory Hunting Lab in Azure This project allows you to easily spin up Active Directory labs in Azure with domain-joined workstations, Windows Event Forwarding, Kibana, and Sysmon using Terraform/Ansible. It exposes a high-level configuration...