Category: Exploitation


Invisi-Shell: Bypass all Powershell security features

Invisi-Shell Hide your powershell script in plain sight! Invisi-Shell bypasses all of Powershell security features (ScriptBlock logging, Module logging, Transcription, AMSI) by hooking .Net assemblies. The hook is performed via CLR Profiler API. Download...

Data Exfiltration Toolkit (DET)

DET (extensible) Data Exfiltration Toolkit DET (is provided AS IS), is a proof of concept to perform Data Exfiltration using either single or multiple channels(s) at the same time. The idea was to create...


PyExfil: A Python Package for Data Exfiltration

PyExfil Abstract This started as a PoC project but has later turned into something a bit more. Currently, it’s an Alpha-Alpha stage package, not yet tested (and will appreciate any feedbacks and commits) designed...


HiddenPowerShellDll: Exploitation tool in Powershell

HiddenPowerShell This project was created to explore the various evasion techniques involving PowerShell Amsi ScriptBlockLogging Constrained Language Mode AppLocker Metasploit module and payload The module manages the delivery of an hta file and a...