Category: Software

KDE Plasma 5.13.2

KDE Plasma 5.13.3 release: fix bugs

The second maintenance release update for the KDE Plasma 5.13 desktop environment was released today, only a week away from the last maintenance release. KDE Plasma 5.13.3 focuses on improving stability and security and...

OneNote 2019

New OneNote interface is rolling to users

Under the promotion of UWP in Office 2019, Microsoft has recently released the new interface of UWP version OneNote, and other core applications of Office 2019 will follow up later. First, Microsoft is eager to...

Google Chrome UI

Google Chrome continues to improve the UI interface

The Google Chrome development team is currently working on the tweaking user interface in the development and canary versions and using more Google material language to improve the interface. In the previous version, the...

ruby 2.2

Ruby 2.2 is no longer supported

The Ruby development team recently announced on the official website that all support for the Ruby 2.2 series has ended: “After the release of Ruby 2.2.7 on March 28, 2017, the support of the Ruby 2.2...

Mozilla Firefox 61.0.1

Mozilla Firefox 61.0.1 released: fix bugs

Mozilla Firefox 61.0.1 (Quantum) released, this version is a revised version, and no new features appear. It mainly fixes the problem of Chinese users crashing when visiting some websites and handling tabs, pop-ups and...

WordPress 4.9.7

WordPress 4.9.7 releases: Fix security bugs is a blogging platform that is owned and hosted online by Automattic. It is run on a modified version of WordPress, an open source piece of software used by bloggers.This website provides free...

KDE Plasma 5.12.6 LTS

KDE Plasma 5.12.6 LTS releases

KDE released the sixth version of the long-supported KDE Plasma 5.12 desktop environment to solve various problems and try to improve the overall stability and reliability of the desktop. After almost two months of...

Opera Browser

Opera 54 releases: news articles on Speed Dial

Opera Software officially released Opera 54.0, which is now open for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. This version mainly adds two functions: first allows users to set custom news feeds on the speed dial interface;...

Microsoft Font Maker

Microsoft Font Maker app officially releases

With the update of Windows 10 Build 17704 released today, Microsoft announced that Microsoft Font Maker is officially available for free download today. Interested users can access the Microsoft Store. This app is intended for designers and...

9 Python modules

Python 3.7 & 3.6.6 official release: add new features and optimizations

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small...

Google Chrome Clipboard security issues

Google Chrome no longer supports MacOS X 10.9.5

Google Chrome has updated the help page and made adjustments to system support. After the adjustment, the following versions of OS X 11.10 will no longer support this browser. Users can still use the...